Monday, March 30, 2009

***Y0UR BU51N355 15 MY BU51N355***

Cristina Reyes

To be honest i have gotten into other peoples business in some occasions but its not because I've wanted to but because their business involved me. Like when my brother was gonna get in a fight with this guy, of course that was their business but the guy started telling my brother stuff about me and like anyone else would i got all up in their business. i think its okay and even necessary to get into someone elses business when their business has something to do with you in a negative way and people should mind theirs aslong as your business isn't anybody elses.

1 comment:

brad said...

This is an interesting story Cristina. I like your explainations. However, you should include when is it necessary to mind your own business. Also, remember to use spell check.
