Thursday, November 13, 2008



From what I read, the marriage life back then wasn't all that different from the marriage life now, just that it seems a little more controlling. What surprised me the most was that the husband is the head of the wife which to me seems like if the husband has complete control of his wife. To me it also seemed like the women couldn't do much on their own with out first asking their husbands. But other then that marriage back then is also very similar to now because even though it seems like the husband controls the wife, they still have to love them and treat them with respect anyways.

Thursday, November 6, 2008



I would have to say that the motivation for people coming to the United States is better jobs and a better life overall. In many countries there are plenty of jobs but are very difficult and pay very little which makes it hard for people to be able to pay any type of bills or even feed their families. And they choose to immigrate to the United States so they can make enough money to send over to their families and maybe even try to get them to come to the United States as well. Also I think what motivates people to immigrate to the United States is their children and their education. They think about what type of future they can have here and not really be able to have it in their home countries because they feel like there is lots to offer here. If I was to immigrate anywhere I think I would move for economic reasons as well.