Monday, March 30, 2009

***G3TT1N 1NV0LV3D***

Cristina Reyes


I don't think that the United States should get involved in other countries affairs because first of all I feel like the U.S has already been involved with other countries by helping them out and second because it seems like whenever we do get involved with another country that we always end up fighting or declaring war and for some reason it seems like we're the ones always starting it. Like for example the conflict between Iraq and the U.S did not go well because they didn't find weapons of Mass Destruction.

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Cristina Reyes

To be honest i have gotten into other peoples business in some occasions but its not because I've wanted to but because their business involved me. Like when my brother was gonna get in a fight with this guy, of course that was their business but the guy started telling my brother stuff about me and like anyone else would i got all up in their business. i think its okay and even necessary to get into someone elses business when their business has something to do with you in a negative way and people should mind theirs aslong as your business isn't anybody elses.